11 Facts About Rottweiler You Should Know

After over three decades with Rottweilers, I some of the time think I am part Rottweiler myself. I've had eight of my own in that time and encouraged handfuls increasingly through my work in breed salvage. While each pooch is an individual—some are not kidding, some are progressively fun-loving, some are social—there are breed characteristics and certainties that you can essentially expect with a Rottweiler. Read about Cane Corso dog. 1. Rottweilers are brilliant. Smart. That's right, they're brilliant—here and there more intelligent than their proprietors. Rottweilers are thinking dogs. They're smart and will take as much time as is needed working out a circumstance before they act. This is the reason you'll see some adaptation of "Rottweilers are not for everybody" or "Rottweilers are not for first-time dog proprietors" on basically every enlightening site and book about Rottweilers. It's frequently difficult to stay aware o...